Thursday, October 22, 2009

Super Q Mart

Today in Virginia, I needed to pick up a few cans of chickpeas. I pulled into what I thought was another Walmart spin-off. It turned out to be Super Q Mart, which is an international foods extravaganza.
They had all manner of root vegetable--round, oblong and lumpy, hairy, knobby, purple, etc.
And 3 kinds of coconuts!
This store does not specialize in one ethnicity of food; but rather, has a bit from everywhere--ranging from falafel mix to 30 different soy sauces; from an assortment of queso fresco to pure cow ghee. I was in pure heaven and resolved to return when I had more time.

Im, this photo is for you. My parents probably still have some of these cans in their pantry. I remember you unloading them from your suitcase in our bedroom, plucking from among the dental supplies and spilled bottle of fish sauce.
I'm not exactly sure what this is, but it reminded me of Telephone Agar Agar, or those lychee gel desserts. However, if you look closely, it appears to be a product of a Spanish-speaking place.

This place was really awesome, although I don't think I'd buy anything from the meat or fish section. At least they didn't have those half-alive eels like at Super 88 in Boston.

1 comment:

  1. hah, thanks for the picture! :) Good thing the Asian markets around me are pretty well-stock, so now I don't need to carry fish sauce around in my suitcase anymore. It's probably is a good thing for everyone. :D
