Friday, January 29, 2010

On loss, in a different way

I recently received a Facebook message from an old friend. At one point, she had been very dear to me, one of the most important people in my life. Some happenings in her current life made her think of me, and she actually reached out and contacted me. How often does this happen, that something reminds us of someone who was once in our lives and has drifted out? And yet, how often do we take any action to reconnect? Speaking for myself, hardly ever. This friend's message makes me think of all of the other people I have let drift away--people with whom I shared history, experience, connection. People who at one time, were central in my life. In a few cases, we've grown apart, but in most cases it is a negligence, on my part, on their part; a feeling that maybe too much time has passed to sew our separated lives back together. Perhaps that is the truth, but in how many of these friendships is that not true, how often would it take just an email, how often would it be a seamless reworking? How many friends have I lost to the fear that it is too late to try? Who do I still stand to lose in this way?


  1. I say it's never too late to try!!! Some people will want nothing to do with you... but more often people will be happy to reconnect!

  2. Wow, this is a very powerful entry.
    So glad you are blogging again.

  3. Abby! I miss you....

