Sunday, October 4, 2009

Through Friday

I guess it's been a whole week since I last posted. There have been some changes in my life in the last week. Monday was Yom Kippur, which I did not feel as ready for as in years past. I managed to take from the day what I could, and finished it with a break fast with the Nice Jewish Girls. I got to chat with my friend Becca about life and curly hair. I was happy to see her before she left for Israel for a short trip. In taking pictures, we also re-created a certain pose taken while we were acting in a certain play named after a certain part of the female anatomy. I will not post that here, but suffice it to say that it is not the sign for "pizza."

The week at work was quite busy. There have been daily changes in dates for something important we are waiting for, and it has involved a lot of time on the phone. I spent several days calling school nurses and principals (not all private schools have nurses) and asking them how flu season was treating them. Saying the same thing to everyone who answered the phone (hi, this is Abby calling from the PW Health District. I wanted to speak to someone about H1N1 flu. Who would be a good person to talk to?) for a total of 54 schools got old after a while. And our office is finally clean again! I think we are all happier for it.

My living situation has changed, and I am living solo for the month of November in the same apartment. I am slowly redecorating and rearranging a bit to accomodate the reduction in furniture. In some ways, I feel like I am starting over.

This weekend, my mom came to visit! My dad was in Australia, so it was just us girls. We had a wonderful and very full weekend!! On Friday we went downtown in Bethesda to Mon Ami Gabi. Going out for dinner in that part of Bethesda on a weekend night feels glamorous to me, somehow. Maybe because I so often walk past other people dining there. The food was certainly something to talk about! Mom and I both had mussels in a white wine and cream sauce with onions. I love moules, and there is nothing better than sopping up that flavorful sauce with crusty baguette (or eating it with a spoon, for that matter). As a side, I had whipped cauliflower, which was fluffy, and probably made so delicious by some combination of cream, butter, cheese (maybe) and definitely some sort of animal fat (chicken stock? bacon fat?). I did not ask, just spooned it up with happy moans. I was too busy eating to photograph, but here is someone else's delectable photo of moules marinieres.


  1. I believe I told you already, but oh well I'll tell you again.

    The not-for-pizza sign is also used in scuba diving for "boat". So my 50-year-old instructor would be going "where is the *sign*?" at 30 feet under the water. Seriously, it's hard not to laugh.

  2. Love that, Im! Of all the signs...

  3. Oh not-for-pizza! How I love thee.

    I could go for some moules right now. Yummmm. There's a place in Boston that does them just like you described - I could eat those all day.
