Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Taylored Expressions Sketch Challenge 77 and Quickie Quiche

This card is for TESC77, and is another one of my Rosh Hashannah cards. Can you believe there are such cool Jewish stamps? The lighting is poor because I took it at 4:30am this morning, when I was up and filling out Rosh Hashana cards. I had a really restless night with little sleep, and finally decided I'd had enough a little after 4. Pretty much the only thing keeping me awake now is the large cup of Earl Grey tea I had at 1. I know, I don't like tea, but I was desperate. And heck, it wasn't too bad. Anyways, I thought you might be interested in what these layouts look like when I find them on the internet. Here is the sketch for this card: And here is my interpretation of the sketch:
I also made a fritatta/crustless quiche with spinach, sauteed onions, and feta cheese. It turned out delicious, and was surprisingly easy. Now I have breakfast for the rest of the week. Want to hear a joke? Two women were at a restaurant. The waiter came over to take their order. The first woman said, "I'd like a quickie." The second woman said, "I think it's pronounced quiche."Today at work I talked to a whole bunch of doctors' offices, and also to a school nurse at a parochial school. I was calling to see if she had all the info she needed about flu and she excitedly told me about the handwashing classes she had just completed for every class in the school. That's my kind of woman! So far the school nurses have been really enthusiastic. I just emailed them all a big list of hand washing resources and songs. They include the following, to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle little star"
Twinkle Twinkle little star
see how clean my two hands are
soap and water
wash and scrub
get those germs out rub-a-dub
Twinkle Twinkle little star
see how clean my two hands are

The best part? It's about 20 seconds long--the exact time recommended for hand washing.

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